A Long Awaited Teaching Buzz…


I earned my wages today. I’ve taught five lessons, sent letters out to the entire Year 7 cohort, ran rehearsals with my sixth formers and the day culminated in a very successful concert in which the students kicked ass.

And do you know what? I loved every minute of it. I’ve been so stressed out with the sheer level of coursework I’ve had to print off and file after being ill and tired for so long, that I almost forgot why I do what I do.

I must admit – I was dreading it earlier in the week. The students that I work with, while talented, are not exactly the most motivated when it comes to practising in their own time and I was concerned that we would get to the rehearsals and have lots of work to do, but they were absolutely brilliant, to the point where I had to stop myself from running over to them all and giving them a massive hug. They had invited their friends and family, who all applauded and cheered them when they had finished and the look on their faces when they were leaving was that of sheer pride. And I was proud of them too – I’ve watched them grow from squeaky 15 year olds into young adults, and I’m going to miss those that are leaving at the end of this year.

This. This is why I do the job. This is why I lose sleep, why I’m up early and go to bed late, why I have dreams about being in a school and not knowing where my classes are, why I have had to turn down nights out with friends… Days like today have reminded me that the sheer buzz that is to be gained from observing students achieving things far beyond even their own expectations makes it worth it.

I’ll sleep well tonight, and I’m sure they will too!

You can also find me on Twitter and Tumblr @suzie81blog

17 thoughts on “A Long Awaited Teaching Buzz…

  1. This is one of the days when you realise that all the efforts have paid off. Congratulations on this successful day! 🙂

  2. It’s so nice to be reminded of why we do what we do. When I was teaching music privately to a bunch of kids in The Woodlands, it was so stressful because it felt like none of them ever practiced. But to watch their recital, and not to hear their rehearsed pieces, but to see the smiles on their faces: that was my “why” moment.

  3. Congrats on a job well done! I’m sure you are the caring teacher who has touched and formed many student’s life..now and in the future.

  4. Nice post – that buzz is tough to beat! We had a coffee house at our school last night and it was so neat seeing students that were painfully shy at the beginning of high school, up on stage, performing with confidence.

  5. That’s why I teach band as well. Those concerts that culminate into this huge, exciting reveal of their talents! I know it’s never perfect but that pride that shines through on tier faces… It’s lovely, isn’t it?

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