Laryngitis and a Polygamous Relationship with an Aldi Raspberry Sorbet

Last weekend I felt really rough. I put it down to being hungover after going out with my friend to celebrate her birthday on Saturday night – my failing voice and sore throat was initially thought to have been caused by singing a bit too enthusiastically as I was dancing around, which isn’t uncommon. However, by Monday afternoon I started to feel particularly unwell – hot and cold flashes, sore skin, headaches – and by Tuesday morning I realised that my ‘hangover’ was actually full-blown flu, which was later accompanied by a nasty head cold and a hacking cough that just wouldn’t go away. After spending the week feeling like death-warmed-up I went to the doctors where the genuinely lovely GP took one look at me and said ‘yeah, you’ve got laryngitis – I had it myself two years ago so I know you must be feeling quite poorly.’ I really did – the most poorly I’ve felt in a very long time.

There aren’t antibiotics that would help, so I developed a routine involving paracetamol, hot honey and lemon drinks, nasal spray and lying on the couch under a duvet while The Bloke (who had already taken a week off from work only for it to be promptly hijacked by my snot) waited on me as I squeaked a conversation at him in my Laryngitis-sy Elmo voice and complained about how crap I felt. I found it difficult to sleep so I stayed on the couch at night so I wouldn’t be disturbing him.

Amidst the general nastiness of it all, however, there was one surprising discovery.

Aldi’s Raspberry Sorbet. I found that it was the only thing that actually had any sort of flavour (everything else tasted like a sofa cushion) and it soothed my throat which was red raw from the coughing. In fact, it was such a welcome relief after days of feeling terrible that I told The Bloke of my enamour with the stuff (cue the eye rolls) and that I would be entering into a polygamous relationship with him and the sorbet until I felt better. I have pretty much spent the last few days eating as much of it as I possibly can. It has developed into a minor obsession and I’m already conscious that I’m going to need some more soon.

It’s now been a week and I still only feel about 60% better. I’m behind on so much – the launch of the Bash award votes, all my social media clients stuff… It’s my 5 year blog anniversary today too which I would normally do something for, but I can’t face it…

Back to sleep for me!

59 thoughts on “Laryngitis and a Polygamous Relationship with an Aldi Raspberry Sorbet

  1. That’s a hard post to “like”. Take care, and it will all be there waiting for you when you are feeling at 99 percent okay. Keep up the fluids and the rest! Says another Mother Hen 🙂 x

  2. Hope you feel better soon! There are so many bugs going around here as well. I worry it’s the opening act of an apocalypse flick…

  3. Oh no! you poor thing!
    I hope the bloke comes up trumps with the sorbet again soon, in the meantime put everything else out of your head and just chill. Hope you feel better soon xxx

  4. Back when I was a heavy drinker and ate a lot of really bad food that tasted great, I was sick all the time. I came down with the common cold more than once every year and got the flu annually. I suffered from chronic sore throats. I had upper respiratory infections, sinus infections (and much more than that short list), but after I stopped drinking and switched to an extremely healthy lifestyle, I haven’t had any of those illnesses since that year I stopped drinking in 1982. I was 36 in 1981, and my health had become so bad that I thought I was on my way to an early, painful death, and that scared me enough to change my life drastically.

    That night out might have hit your immune system so the flu had an opening to explode. The flu virus was probably already in your system and your immune system was dealing with it but then …

    “Alcohol suppresses both the innate and the adaptive immune systems. …

    “Drinking a lot on a single occasion also can compromise your immune system. Drinking to intoxication can slow your body’s ability to produce cytokines that ward off infections by causing inflammations.Without these inflammatory responses, your body’s ability to defend itself against bacteria is significantly reduced. A recent study shows that slower inflammatory cytokine production can reduce your ability to fight off infections for up to 24 hours after getting drunk.”

    Even drinking a single can of Coke loaded with all that sugar suppresses the immune system.

    5 Foods That Destroy Your Immune System

    1. red meat
    2. fried foods
    3. soda
    4. sugary snacks
    5. processed foods

    For more details, you might want to click:

    May you recover quickly. It’s no fun being sick.

  5. Please feel better, I hope all the nastiness goes away very soon and that you are back to your chipper self. Glad you found some relief from the sorbet though, that always helps. Congratulations on your 5th anniversary! Have always wand will always love your blog! Cathi

  6. The sorbet sounds great. I wonder if you’ll still love it when you’re back to a 100%? Is it a long-lasting relationship or merely a fling?
    Feel better 🙂

  7. Happy Blog -a-Versary! Sorry to hear of your grumpy throat. Aldi’s is one of the best places in the world. The next time my sister is in need of some relief for her aching throat, I will suggest she lay in a supply of that sorbet. I might suggest organic essential oil of lavender, to be mixed with a carrier oil of jojoba or sweet almond and rub it into your chest, back and throat. It will help the coughing, open you up for healing, as well as help you rest. Side note, it should not smell like a sofa cushion, but you may leave a lingering fragrance.. Feel better soon. 🙂

  8. My sympathies! Been inside (mostly in bed) for 3 weeks with allergy/sinus infection. Watched so many reruns of CSI and Criminal Minds I started thinking like the characters. Indulge yourself. Don’t stress. You need the rest. Feel better soon!!!

  9. Hope you feel better soon, I was addicted to raspberry Lucozade when I had the flu. I think it’s the power one or something. And happy 5 years! I’m glad you’re here! x

    • Oh my gosh I love that stuff – I got addicted to raspberry lemonade when i was in the US and was so excited when I saw Lucozade had done their own version! And thanks lovely, ditto!

  10. So sorry you’ve been under the weather, dear. Hope you are back up and at ’em now. I think raspberry sorbet is a perfect partner. Did they do a flu test on you when you visited the M? For that, there’s tamiflu!

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