Getting My Mojo Back

National Writing Day

It’s National Writing Day and for the first time in almost a month I actually have the urge to write… I was having a discussion with a bloggy friend a while ago and he talked about needing to get his mojo back. That’s exactly what my problem has been – my mojo up and left without saying goodbye.

I haven’t properly been near the blog for almost a month aside from to share my stuff for my daily checklist – the longest period of time spent away from it since starting Suzie Speaks just over five years ago. It wasn’t necessarily a planned break, I just found that I had nothing to say, the Black Dog stayed around for longer than usual and it did me good to get away from everything involved with it, instead spending some time on the new(ish) project that I have been working on. 

With The Bloke almost completing his first month away from full-time work, it has also been a nice opportunity for us to spend some time together too – we went up to Scotland for a week and have been able to go to the cinema during the day – and he has been able to relax a little bit. The difference in his state of mind over the last few weeks is certainly noticeable – he seems to be getting back to his former self… and he sleeps properly at night now too! The weather has been glorious and we have both lost weight – a conscious removal of all things processed from our diet has really started to make a difference.

I’ve also been a little busy with various events including a friend’s hen party, and this weekend I’m visiting my mum and sister and meeting up with some friends from college that I have known for twenty years.

And oh my gosh… Love Island. Seriously. I haven’t missed an episode. I lost interest in things like Big Brother and I’m a Celebrity after the first few series, but I’m completely hooked. 

I’ve been able to keep on top of my social media management activities despite all this, but what I have noticed is how out of my usual routine I am and I’m quite surprised at how much this has affected me. I’ve always considered myself to be fairly spontaneous, but without realising I had obviously developed a pattern throughout my day of how and when I work, and I have felt a little anxious at times when I have had to change things around into a different order if I was busy. After this weekend things should be getting back to normal, and now I have a whole bunch of posts to write… I’m looking forward to catching up on all of the posts I’ve missed.

Happy heatwave UK peeps!

What about you guys? What have you been up to?

Follow me on any of my social media pages: you can also find me on Twitter @suzie81blog and don’t forget to check out my Facebook page, my Pinterest page and my Instagram page

67 thoughts on “Getting My Mojo Back

  1. Happy heat-wave indeed, it’s lovely here! Good to see you back. Oh, and Love Island – I can’t get enough, and it’s only going to get more interesting apparently! Glad your time away has been good 😊

  2. Suzie, sometimes it’s a very good thing to take a break from writing and live the rest of your life – spend time with people and loved ones, go places, or enjoy a different activity. I’m glad you were able to do all of those things, especially spending time with The Bloke, which in turn fills up the tank and finds the lost mojo.

  3. Good to hear you’re back Suzie! As you know my’blo-jo’ disappeared too… But it’s reports, assessment and new kids that have taken over! Having said that… As it’s National Writing Day… I may see if inspiration strikes tonight!!!

  4. Hey that’s great that you’ve got your mojo back. I have been absent from my blog for about 3 months(when I had lots to say) because of my studies and now I feel as if my mojo went for a walk and doesn’t want to come back.

    • Oh wow! I absolutely love the heat and could live like this forever, particularly as we had such a long winter, but I think that quite a few people are getting a bit sick of it now…

  5. Welcome back Suzie’s mojo!!

    I was wondering if you were okay, so I am really glad you are just out and about and enjoying the sun!! I know how you feel. I recently started a job with more responsibility, and although I still looove writing for my blog, I have found that some evenings I can’t look at my computer screen – my eyes are just too tired.

  6. I can totally relate to this post!!!! Every time I sat down to write for my blog nothing happened! Zilch, nada, diddly squat. I thought I’d finally run out of things to say (yeah, I know, could never happen lol), but you’ve hit the nail on the head – it’s all about mojo. Mine must have run off for a lark with yours!! Starting to come out the other end myself so perhaps we do need that mini break to recharge the batteries. Glad you’ve had fun and can’t wait to hear all about your adventures. I SO need to get you and my daughter together – if I hear another word about Love Island aaaahhh!! Hugs xx

  7. Good to see you back on here. I’ve had a few weeks break too and I have to say it’s been refreshing and useful. I’ll do this more often. 🙂

  8. Great post – I think we all understand how life can get in the way of posting consistently…I am hearing from a number of bloggers about the hot weather in the UK…I happen to be spending a few days in Phoenix Arizona right now, where it’s 111 degrees…but they tell me it’s “dry heat” – and it is – like stepping into an oven

    • Oh wow – it’s been blissfully hot here for the last week but I think people will start complaining soon if it carries on. I would be happy if it stayed like this forever…

  9. Welcome back Suzies Mojo. This happens to all of us from time to time doesn’t it? Plus it can be great to get away from blogging completely for short periods to rest and get your enthusiasm back.

  10. Good to see you back – our mojos are constantly fighting against our every day – I find it difficult to find the time to write. In answer to your question, I’ve been to Bali for a couple of weeks. More to come on that 🙂

  11. Why hasn’t Love Island finished yet?!? Argh!

    Anyway, good to hear from you again. Weren’t you supposed to be popping over for coffee one day?

    Great to hear of all the positive changes with you and Dunc!

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