iPhone Photography

I’ve been experimenting with dark and moody iPhone photography recently to match the dark and miserable weather we have received, so I thought I’d share some from the last few months… I’d love to hear your thoughts on them!


Stockport – edited with Instagram


Dark and moody skies – edited with Instagram


Sky – unedited


Frozen pattens on the car – unedited

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63 thoughts on “iPhone Photography

  1. Very good! I especially love the first two pictures. Amazing to think you did that on your phone.

  2. Absolutely fantastic. That first image is amazing. Great eye, great moment, fantastic industrial town, like a Pink Floyd album cover. If you live in Los Angeles long enough you forget places like that still exist and that they’re real. But that’s what it looks like where I come from In Pennsylvania. Good stuff!

  3. Ok WOW! great photos…loved the moody sky shots…my phone is just smoldering right now that these were phone shots! I think my cam maybe envious too!

  4. Another nice set of images Suzie you do have an eye for an good shot – but it still does annoy me sometimes that I spent many many hours in classrooms, darkrooms and in front of the computer learning technical skills on graphical software to produce what phone software can do in seconds and believe me many jobs have been put at risk by this phone software.
    I am currently working on some lessons using Gimp which is like the poor cousin to Photoshop, but Gimp is free and can be downloaded at http://www.gimp.org/downloads/ I do suggest that you download it and instead of having your phone do the fancy stuff, learn to do it yourself, it is really satisfying along with the how to here docs.gimp.org/2.8/en/ believe me you will have great fun.
    If you need to ask me questions about changing your images then please email me blog(at)rainbow-photography.net

    Sorry to hijack your post but like you I want to teach, I want people to learn there is more to taking a photograph then just pointing and shooting and you don’t need a expensive camera OR with lots and lots of pixels (Its just the camera manufacturers using the pixels as a selling point).

    There I go again Suzie yap yap yap …….. 🙂

  5. This is going to sound extremely odd, but when it popped up in my reader, I honestly thought they were paintings.
    Until I read the title
    And I was flabbergasted.

  6. I’m amazed by the quality of images I am able to capture on my iPhone too. The majority of pics on my blog are iPhone shots. These you’ve posted are exceptional!

  7. Hi suz if you want too develop your photographic skills do so by telling the camera what to do and for that you need an understanding of photographic applications and optical principals. As far as Iphones go I consider them to be good convenient recording devises, not optical instruments. However, for the recording of the scenes that you posted using your Iphone your images convey an informative view of your home that I find interesting. I love mixing words and pictures together and look up to writers such as yourself. Good writing is powerful but good writing mixed with powerful images is almighty. I look forward to seeing your blog become almighty 2014.

  8. Love the pics! Makes me want to go out and get some great shots with my phone. However, my artistic interpretation abilities are quite lacking. I have been known to take a very good picture of my thumb though! Trust me…not so pretty! 🙂

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