A Lovely Blogging Surprise!


Early last week, one of my favourite blogs, Dating a Sociopath featured a post on the changing laws surrounding emotional abuse in the UK. I had written about the exact same thing a few months ago, describing my experiences of being involved in a relationship with a sociopath years ago, and as I hadn’t wanted it to be too long I had split it into three parts. My blog was originally created to share stories from my past that had troubled me and the process of writing it down and the support I received from doing so exorcised a number of psychological demons that had haunted me for a long time.

I shared the link to my post with her in the comments – I wouldn’t normally do this as I feel that using someone else’s blog to promote yourself is poor blogging etiquette, but I admire her writing and wanted her to see it. She responded positively, and I logged out for the night.

When I awoke the next day I did what I always do first thing in the morning and checked my stats, only to be pleasantly surprised that I had received an unusually high amount of views for that time of the day, with most of them coming from Stumble Upon. I have an account but never use it, so I was intrigued, and I discovered that the story about my sociopathic ex that I had linked the day before had been posted onto Stumble Upon, and it was obviously being shared around… a lot.

It started fairly slowly, with about a thousand views for the first few days, even on Christmas Day. However, yesterday my stats exploded, resulting in my blog receiving the third highest ever amount of views for the month since I started it in April 2013… and it’s still going!


It’s amazing – that one shared link has resulted in something far bigger than I could have ever expected and it has been a lovely end to a very positive blogging year! I hope that it is helpful to someone…

If you missed the original post, simply click on the picture below.


You can also find me on Twitter and Tumblr @suzie81blog, and don’t forget to check out my Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/suzie81speaks

Image 3 credit: Datingasociopath.com


20 thoughts on “A Lovely Blogging Surprise!

  1. Congrats on the stats! It is so nice to see them rise, but a little disheartening when they drop off. I’m often surprised that after a few days of not writing, my stats are still about the same. Hmm (scratching head). Enjoy the success!! You deserve it!

  2. The world of social media at its most powerful, Suzie. Oh, and that wonderful feeling (and shock) when checking your stats and seeing that big figure. My highest daily stat came after spending a day on Twitter. “Make it work for you rather than you work for it”.

  3. Congrats that’s fab! My most popular posts seem to be about me getting naked or polish people in the Eurovision Song Contest churning butter in skimpy clothes. And I thought I was a good writer too. Maybe I’ll just start posting nude photos within every post. Now, that’s a plan!

  4. Isn’t that fun? I had the same thing happen to me once. I thought WordPress was broken. Turned out I had gone viral on Reddit. I remember your post. Very well done. Im glad people are reading it.

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