A New Start and Positive Thinking


After a genuinely wonderful few weeks, work starts back today. I work in a good school with lovely colleagues, but many of my teacher friends aren’t as lucky and consequently my Facebook feed has been filled over the last few days with proclamations of dread and anxiety, funny memes and a wish for a time machine so they can relive the last two weeks all over again. Over the years, I have joined them – it’s difficult not to focus on the dark, cold mornings and the fact that this term (for me at least) is the most pressured.

In the spirit of a New Year and a new start, I have decided to adopt a more positive approach. Therefore, I was awake bright and early this morning, I’m dressed and ready to go and I’m actually looking forward to catching up with all the people that I haven’t seen in a while and hearing about their holiday escapades. In an economy where millions are unemployed and cannot afford to heat their house or buy food, I am lucky and I am grateful to have a stable, well-paying job, and this year I am determined not to forget that.

I hope you all have a lovely Monday!

You can also find me on Twitter and Tumblr @suzie81blog

55 thoughts on “A New Start and Positive Thinking

  1. I taught for 35 years and although I love having my own time now I did like the excitement of a new term with new stationery & the opportunity to share my interests with young minds – even this term! Good luck.

    • Thank you – most of mine were quite depressed about it and were all complaining about going back. It was actually a really nice day in general – the usual training session and the realisation that paperwork has to be rewritten… again. Fun!

  2. Great attitude, Suzie. I decided to change it up, too. Instead of hitting the snooze button three times, I got up early to ride my exercise bike instead. Exercise done for the day.

  3. I’ve adopted a similar attitude for this morning’s return to work after a deliciously long two weeks off. I laid out my outfit the night before, got up early, prepared a nice healthy breakfast, and tried to take deep breaths and think affirming thoughts – and then my new iPhone fell and cracked, and I twisted my ankle 30 mins later! *face palm* I’m trying to see the humor in all of this..

  4. Thats what i keep trying to tell myself, be more positive! We both have band directors jobs in the same county and I am one of the feeder schools for my husband’s school. Gotta remember I am fortunate. I hope we can both (all 3, to include my husband) stay positive this term/ semester!

  5. Suzie! You left my ipod embarrassing songs post without admitting to an embarrassing song you have on your ipod. C’mon Suzie, I know you have some secrets in that iPod of yours!

  6. That’s great Suzie!! I wanted to be a chemistry HS teacher before I decided to get into healthcare. I have some friends going back to their teaching jobs as well, and I can’t believe how many are dreading it! But, I’m glad to hear you’re planning on having a positive outlook. You rock for what you do.

  7. Although short, this blog was sweet : ) My workplace is a little negative too and to help myself stay focused and as an experiment for my blog, I’m going to be taking one day each week for a month (starting next week) where I can’t complain once. It’s going to be tough, but I’m hoping it will make me more mindful about negative thinking.

    • Thanks very much! I find that when I’m surrounded by negative people I follow their mindset… Good luck on your no complaints day – let me know how you get on with it!

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