If Suzie Were a Meme

In her most recent post, the ever fabulous ‘The Bloggess’ introduced me to a new craze on the Internet, during which the subject is required to type their first name followed by the word ‘meme’ and see what appears on Google images. I decided to jump on the proverbial bandwagon, and this is what I discovered:


How did they know? I got my iPhone 6 the other day after my old faithful one promptly died on me after three years, and I have barely put the thing down!


image Damn right.



I’ve never given anyone cooties (or anything else for that matter), but I did turn someone gay just by kissing them about eight years ago. Well, technically he was obviously gay before he kissed me, but he did choose the exact moment we locked lips to come out. I’m always pleased for anyone who has the courage to do so, I just wish he hadn’t told me mid snog. The mutual friend that we had gone out with that night had worked with him for years, and even she didn’t know.



I’m not sure why I would be annoyed at this… I’m always supportive of anyone who looks after their body. I show my support by sitting on my couch and eating crisps. I’m doing it right now.



Erm… Thanks?


Finally, did I ever tell you how much I love SpongeBob?


Give it a try! I’d love to see your results!

You can also find me on Twitter and Tumblr @suzie81blog, and don’t forget to check out my Facebook page http://www.suzie81speaks.com

What’s In A Name?

 Technically, her name is Lucy. When I first got her from the RSPCA I referred to her as my little ‘Bob’ (inspired by a Blackadder episode) and somehow it has morphed from ‘Bob’, to ‘Bobbly’, to ‘Bobbly Wob’ and has remained as ‘Wobbly’ for years. She’s registered at the vets as Lucy as I can’t bring myself to actually tell them what she’s really called. It’s a silly name, I’m sure she’s inwardly face-palming (or face-pawing) herself every time she hears it, but she responds to it anyway. Somehow though, it suits her. My friends and family have become used to it and ask ‘How’s Wobbly?’ without even thinking about it.
Today I came across an article about unusual pet names for dogs and cats from a pet insurance company and it made me smile. There are some truly great names… These are some of my favourites:
Sir Knuckles da Dragon
Winnie The Poodle
HotRod Woofington
Poopie Boy
Pumpkin Head
Dong Dong
Hank The Tank
Captain Underpants
Agador Spartacus
Chue Man Foo
I adore the idea of a dog being named ‘Captain Underpants’ – i’d love to hear that being shouted out at the park…
I’ve included the link to the website. I’m pretty sure ‘Wobbly’ would be in there too…