Run Forrest, Run! Or Maybe Not…

imageIt’s Bank Holiday Monday, and I’ve been looking forward to today. As my day off is on a Tuesday, it means that I am only working for three days this week. Winner.

After my decision to sign up for the Birmingham Half Marathon in October, I spent some of the weekend preparing to start training. I went food shopping and made a plan of healthy meals for the week, I downloaded the necessary apps onto my phone and I created an epic playlist of songs that will hopefully keep me motivated and uplifted as I’m trudging my way around the park. And yes, I included the Rocky theme. Why? Because I actually attempted to run up the same steps that he did when I visited Philadelphia in 2010, and only made it about a third of the way up before I had to stop, catch my breath and walk the rest of the way as I was so unfit, so it serves as a reminder that I need to get moving.

I decided to start with the 5K fitness plan that I have used before. After some searching, (and after going to watch Avengers: Age of Ultron at the cinema, which was awesome by the way), I located my running gear, charged my phone and did my stretches. I was surprised at how nervous I was – I’ve done this many times before, but I think that it’s different because I am actually training for something rather than just to build up my fitness levels and I have made myself accountable by letting everyone know what my intentions are. Indeed, today I was going to channel my inner Forrest Gump.

My five minute warm up walk had been fantastic. The weather was beautiful and I felt psyched, ready to pound the pavement, and I was loving the tracks that I had blasting into my eardrums. When the ‘start’ beep began, I started to jog at a leisurely pace, then walked, then jogged at the timed intervals that my app suggested. I realised that it was going to be a lot more difficult than I had anticipated, and my positive attitude quickly evaporated once I had reached the first walk/run cycle. I hated every single second of the rest of the journey. I know that my body is carrying extra weight, but I felt heavy – it seemed really difficult to lift my feet off the floor.


Twenty -five minutes and less than two miles later, I arrived back at my door. My face was purple, I was struggling for breath and I had sweat pouring from places that I didn’t know could sweat. My legs were already giving me and indication that I am going to be a little sore tomorrow and all I could do was gasp at The Bloke and asked him to get me a glass of water while I collapsed on the couch and coughed and spluttered on an unsuspecting cat, who was rather indignant at having her sleep interrupted.

Gorgeous. Forrest Gump, I am not. Not yet, anyway.

However, it’s a start, and everyone has to start somewhere. I’ve set myself a challenge, and I’m going to bloody well do it. I just wish that it was possible to lose weight and get fit by eating chocolate and watching television instead, which would be far more fun!

You can also find me on Twitter and Tumblr @suzie81blog and don’t forget to check out my Facebook page


28 thoughts on “Run Forrest, Run! Or Maybe Not…

  1. Glad to hear you’re on your way! I’ve been riding my exercise bike, like I think I mentioned in a comment to your “what have I done” post. Still haven’t managed to work my way up to more time, but I’m sure if I keep it up I will!

    • Good on you Jim! That’s what I need – an exercise bike. At least then I wouldn’t have to worry about appearing purple and sweaty in public haha! Keep me posted!

  2. I think that that was a big brave bold move preparing for the marathon. My advice is to take steps. First one thing at a time and when you’re ready! Then, it’s a go! You are a very good role model. Hats off to you!

  3. The first really is the worst! My tip would be to find a running buddy or group at a similar level, if not straight away then at least for the longer training runs. Completing my half marathon a few years ago was what I would consider to be one of my greatest achievements, and the good news is that once you start doing the long runs you really have to fuel up which means less dieting!

  4. You’ve got to start somewhere. Before you know it, you’ll be running barefoot and living in spandex. 😉

    Happy Bank Holiday. Did you visit the Royal Baby yet?

    • It was awesome wasn’t it! The Bloke had to stop me from jumping out of my seat and yelling ‘yeeeeeeaaaaah!’ very loudly. Thanks – I’m feeling a bit sore today haha!

      • Wouldn’t be the same if you weren’t sore. Half the point of training is the constant reminder that you actualy went running 😉
        Yes the film was awsome!

  5. Well done you – training has to start somewhere & you’re on it Forrest! xxx

  6. I hear you! I used a C25K app (maybe that’s similar?) and I, too, had my “run” playlist. But man, after the initial couple intervals I was hurting. I think it was mentally harder than physically, if that’s possible. I’d never pushed my body like that before and I wasn’t used to pushing through the physical discomfort. I did persevere and although I didn’t do a 1/2 marathon, I eventually was able to jog (at Valerie speed!) for 30 full minutes. One of the biggest physical things I’ve ever done.

    So I say a great job to you for sticking with it and for sharing it here. I can see from all the comments that we’re not alone in these experiences!

  7. Well done!
    I’m probably the laziest person on the Planet and my fitness level has achieved a record low (to a point where it’s probably life threatening ). That app you speak of sounds like it could help a lot for motivation – is there a way you could hint at which one it is without breaking advertising rules? I would really appreciate that 🙂

    • I don’t think we need to worry about the advertising – I use the Nike app and I think it’s great! Thanks so much for your comment – why don’t you start going out for a walk every day rather than getting straight into it?

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