The Challenges of Being an Extroverted Introvert

The Challenges of Being an Extroverted Introvert

I’ve touched on the notion of having an extroverted introvert temperament in previous posts, but I’ve become more aware of the traits associated with this over the last few years.

Stereotypically, introverts prefer calmer environments, find socialising particularly draining and often need time alone to recharge and regain their energy. Introverts are often self aware and learn through the observation of others. Extroverts, on the other hand, often try to seek social stimulation and engagement with others and are characteristically talkative, assertive and excitable. They are excellent communicators within larger groups and enjoy being the centre of attention.

Of course, both are extremes and many people fall somewhere between the two categories. Extroverted introverts, or ambiverts, can generally be found within the middle of the spectrum, but with so many contradictory personality and social traits it’s a rather confusing place to be for both the individual and their friends.
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Mix Tape Masterpiece: A Playlist Of My Life

ImageThe theme for today’s Daily Prompt is a playlist that represents you, and I personally love the idea. Music has, and will always be the driving force behind almost every aspect of my life – I teach it, I love it and I have made important connections with others because of it. I truly believe that it is the only universal language on the planet. I’ve discussed MANY times about the effect that music has in my life, but I don’t think I’ve ever gone so far as to create a playlist that represents me. There isn’t a limit and I need to be careful that I don’t go overboard, but hopefully the resulting list (which isn’t in any order of importance) will give you a rough idea of who I am.

1. Don’t Stop Believing: Journey

This song has followed me everywhere throughout my life – it seems to surface at times when I am in a happy place with people that I care about. I would like to add here that the GLEE version does not count!!!

(Video uploaded by gsbajak4)

2. I Won’t Send Roses (from Mack and Mabel): Jerry Herman

This was my grandfather’s favourite song, and my favourite version of it is sung by Robert Preston. It’s a beautiful piece of music and I remember spending many hours at the weekends listening to it (on vinyl) at his flat. It makes me feel at peace and gives me a beautiful reminder of a wonderful man.

(Video uploaded by bernieb48)

3. When Love and Hate Collide: Def Leppard

This song has helped me through some tough times – the chorus in particular contains some harmonies that I refer to as ‘gut chords’ – they’re so pwerful it is possible to feel them in the gut. I have loved it from the first time that I heard it and it is one of my ‘go to’ songs that I listen to when I am in need of comfort.

(Video uploaded by Def Leppard)

4. Adagio For Strings: Samuel Barber

This was the first classical piece of music that I truly fell in love with and one of my greatest memories is playing this on stage with a large string orchestra. Fabulous.

(Video uploaded by Miles Romanus)

5. Over the Rainbow: Eva Cassidy

Lying on a balcony in the hot sunshine in Malia, staring at a blue sky while this song played on the CD player in the background is potentially one of the most truly wonderful moments of my life so far. A stunning voice from a woman whose talents were taken away from us far too soon.

(Video uploaded by JohnWhite67)

6. Bring It On Home To Me: Sam Cooke

I adore this song. This is a song I will listen to in the bath to help me relax. Fabulous.

(Video uploaded by strictlyOldies)

7. Always: Bon Jovi

Bon Jovi are my favourite band. I’ve seen them five times in concert all over the UK and love most of their songs. However, this song has always spoken to me and it is also on my ‘bath’ list, as well as being a song I regularly do at karaoke.

(Video uploaded by BonJoviVEVO)

8. Seasons of Love (from RENT): Jonathan Larson

This was a song that my college choir sang. We all love this song, the harmonies are great and it has stuck with all of us over the years – my friend even had a choir sing it at her wedding. Some of my happiest times.

(Video uploaded by BroadwayWorldSongs)

9. I Can’t Help Myself: The Four Tops

This was a song that I grew up with – my mother is a huge motown and soul fan and so a large amount of my ‘pick me up’ playlist consists of songs like this from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. I love this song in particular and it reminds me of my mother teaching me how to dance to this in our living room as a child.

(Video uploaded by bol2funk)

10. The Blower’s Daughter: Damien Rice

A stunning, beautiful song. The reason why I have included this particular song is because I feel this passion and intensity that the song evokes.

(Video uploaded by Damien Rice)

I could go on and on – I’ve stopped at ten so you wouldn’t fall asleep, but these are songs that best represent me, my personality and my life.

Pants On Fire: Little White Lies

Most people are guilty of telling lies in life, whether they are used to spare someone’s feelings, save face, avoiding trouble or making oneself feel better.There’s a million different levels of lies, from telling a friend that she looks good in a dress that closely resembles a trash bag, to the monumental porkies told throughout history by various world leaders.

I had several different ideas when I saw today’s prompt. The biggest lies told in history? The fact that both my father and ex were compulsive liars? Lies we tell our children? I’ve already discussed at length lies that I tell my students, interesting lies I’ve been told by students and advertising lies.

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